We found 7 articles with the tag “sumo wrestling”.
Episode 42: November Basho Days 10-15
November 23rd, 2020
By Laurie
2020, basho, november, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, takakeisho, terunofujiOur break down of the absolute best sumo moments, BINGO winners, and our special blend of humor.
Episode 24: The Basho Begins with Sumo Mainichi
July 21st, 2020
basho, july basho, sumo, sumo breakdown, sumo mainichi, sumo tournament, sumo wrestlingA 3-part episode: current events, a breakdown of basho day 1 and 2, and a talk with Dave and Amy from Sumo Mainichi.
Episode 23: Getting Excited
July 15th, 2020
comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, july basho, nhk, sumo, sumo wrestling, tournament, trainingTexas gals go full-on fan girl. We're getting too, too excited for the July basho.
Episode 22: Do Fans Affect Sumo Wrestlers?
July 7th, 2020
comedy, corona virus, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, sports, sumo, sumo wrestling, tournamentNews, corona virus funk, and some science behind how fans affect sports.
Episode 20: Akebono and What's Wrong with Tochinoshin's Butt?
June 23rd, 2020
akebono, cellulitis, japan, professional wrestling, skin infections, sumo, sumo wrestling, tochinoshin, yokozunaLeslie focuses on the great American yokozuna, Akebono while Laurie focuses on sumo and skin infections.
Episode 19: The Banzuke
June 16th, 2020
banzuke, grand sumo, japan, sumo, sumo wrestlingWhat the heck is a banzuke? How do I read it?
Episode 5: Sumo Techniques
March 11th, 2020
bout, comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, historic bout, historic sumo, improv comedy, japan, kamasutra, kimarite, nhk, sumo, sumo wrestling, tournamentTechniques of sumo.