We found 6 episodes of Sumo Kaboom with the tag “scandal”.
248: More Scandal. And Aprons. It's a Weird Mixed Tape of Topics
February 26th, 2025 | 34 mins 33 secs
aprons, calligraphy, dohyo iri, hoshoryu, nishonoseki, scandal, sumo scandal, takasu, yokouna
First, another sumo scandal. And then we trace how 3 new ceremonial aprons go from donor to Hoshoryu, and it's a wild, weird tale.
201: Hokuseiho and the Miyagino Stable
February 28th, 2024 | 41 mins 47 secs
bullying, hakuho, hokuseiho, miyagino, scandal, violence
Oof. What a scandal. Hokuseiho is gone. And there is trouble at Miyagino Stable.
177: Sumo Scandals Part 4 - Violence
August 30th, 2023 | 39 mins 8 secs
death, jsa, scandal, sumo, violence
What happened in a heya in 2007 and how it changed sumo. ** This episode contains descriptions of violence. **
176: Sumo Scandals Part 3 - Drinking and Drugs
August 23rd, 2023 | 52 mins 16 secs
cannabis, drinking, drugs, haramafuji, pot, scandal
Yet another sumo scandal. This week, it's drugs and drinking.
175: Sumo Scandals Part 2 - Match-Fixing
August 16th, 2023 | 44 mins 1 sec
freakanomics, match-fixing, media, scandal, statistics, yaocho
Accusations of match-fixing in sumo are nothing new.
174: Sumo Scandals Part 1 - Gambling and the Yakuza
August 9th, 2023 | 42 mins 19 secs
betting, gambling, scandal, sumo scandal, yakuza
Part 1 in a series about the scandals of sumo.