Episode 245
245: The Wheel Keeps Turning - Retirements and Promotions
February 5th, 2025
39 mins 54 secs
About this Episode
Wanna know who won 2nd place BINGO or who wrote the best Sumo Chicken episode? Listen up! Also, our Sexiest Rikishi Poll is open for voting through Valentine's Day. Vote at tinyurl.com/sumokaboom25
Then we dive into all the week's news - from bean throwing to dohyo iris at the Meiji Shrine, from mean gyojis to retirement, from a yokozuna in a new suit to a new yokozuna and his relationship with a spicy uncle. So much happened that we had to focus on news and only news.
More about Sumo Kaboom and our BINGO game sponsored by bigsumofan.com:
Bigsumofan.com is an online sumo merch store based in US, and they ship to over 30 countries. www.bigsumofan.com
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