Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 233: The Way of Sumo with David Rios

Photographer David Rios and his book The Way of Sumo.
From The photos in this book chronicle the author's photographic adventure through the world of 21st century American sumo wrestling. While living in Japan in 2008, he and a friend attended a pro sumo tournament in Nagoya, and he fell in love with all things sumo. After returning to the US, a chance encounter led to the discovery of a burgeoning sumo community spreading across the mainland. With his passion reignited, and armed with a camera, he traveled to locations such as Austin, San Antonio, Salt Lake City and Hawai'i to document the impact of sumo across the nation.

This book features interviews with four retired sumo wrestlers from Hawai'i, all of whom took part in the golden era of Hawaiian sumo wrestling when sumitori such as Akebono, Konishiki, Musashimaru and Takamiyama dominated Japanese professional sumo. The common thread in all of their stories is how sumodo, or the Way of Sumo, forged their character and made them better human beings. Their testimonies stand in sharp contrast to the antagonistic winner-take-all nature of American sports, and demonstrate how sumodo can heal both personal traumas and societal divides, and create common ground between all Americans.

Time Codes:
Poetry 1:47
Newsflash 11:40
David 17:30

"Advanced Japanese Folk" by Audiotoolz
Under creative commons license:
News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Intro/Outtro music by MARiAN - Tokyo Trap_
Vaquero Perdido Mini Vandals from the Youtube Free Music Library