Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 130: Days 1-3 Aki 2022


Time Codes:
1:45 News US Sumo Open
2:45 Konishiki
3:30 Fan Day with OLD MAID!!
6:15 Asanoyama Beats the Student Yokozuna
7:30 Day 1 All is Right in the World
9:00 Winning by Top Knot
12:30 Day 1 Utchari?!
14:45 Tamawashi, Hoshoryu, and the joy of watching Hoshoryu lose. And Gandalf.
18:00 Team Kiribyama! Did he win? No. Does Leslie care? No.
20:20 Day 2
23:30 Cameltoe Kimarite
24:00 Huge collision. And By the Power of Hokutofuji!!!
25:45 Ura and Takayasu- seeing over bellies and Ura must be fast
27:30 Last 2 matches - Shodai had this! But Team Kiribyama...
32:00 Teru versus Tobizaru What happened???
38:00 Day 3
38:30 He gave it to me again! Another utchari!
39:30 How do you take a big sumo wrestler down? Here's your master class.
40:30 Ura's pure joy
43:15 Tobizaru must have been on a high until he got cannonballed into the 2nd row
45:45 Terunofuji watch
46:30 Daieisho's Lobster Claws
47:00 Kakuryu's Twitter
47:30 Exciting sumo!

** Music:**

"Advanced Japanese Folk" by Audiotoolz

Under creative commons license:

News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


Intro/Outtro music by MARiAN - Tokyo Trap