Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 126: Ash Warren and The Way of Salt

Time Codes:
0-2:45 News
3:00 Interview with Ash Warren. Sumo is not just a sport.
5:00 The book is for sumo familiar stuff. Includes a glossary.
7:00 Japanese culture is radically different from Western culture. Sumo is living history.
8:00 Why Asanoyama and other celebrities are held to such a high standard in Japan.
11:30 Sacred things and Shinto shrines. Symbols of divinity in sumo.
13:00 Sumo is just a sport. It's not like golf. It's a deeply rich sport.
14:00 Current English commentary. (hint: he's a Doreen Simmons fan)
16:00 Western audiences are growing
17:00 Historical reasons for most things in sumo. You can shock your friends with this knowledge.
19:30 The post match interview and "my style of sumo." Ash breaks this sentence down a bit. Japanese learning through repitition.
25:30 You're judged in Japan by seniority and commitment, rather than merit.
28:30 How his book can help and how to enjoy sumo.
31:00 How to get his book.
Then we get more casual...
33:30 What Japan was like in 1992.
34:30 Foreign audience for sumo is booming.
35:00 The future of sumo is online and in other languages.
38:00 What Japan was like in 1992 again.
38:30 What you miss when you watch sumo on TV.
40:30 Which sumo wrestlers he is enjoying right now. Who could make yokozuna and ozeki.
42:00 We're entering a weak time in sumo.
42:45 Yokozuna should be the dominant guy.
46:00 The Golden Age of sumo for Ash Warren.
48:30 Some things that need to change about sumo. His ideas.
52:00 Goodbyes

** Music:**

"Advanced Japanese Folk" by Audiotoolz

Under creative commons license:

News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


Intro/Outtro music by MARiAN - Tokyo Trap