Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 146: Hatsu Basho Days 4 - 10

Oh my. This is a rambling discussion of sumo and why we like it. We love the athleticism. We love the underdogs. We discuss who is on fire and who lights our fire. We love watching the tournaments!

Time Line:

:50 Heya Pug Named Butch, same necklines and snoring
2:14 Day 4
sumo breakdown
3:45 Tochinoshin Injury
5:15 He just needs 2 weeks recovery... Wishful Thinking Recovery Timeline
6:30 Twerp translation? Midorifuji and kimedashi
7:20 Speaking of translation... Asashoryu and Hoshoryu training at home...
8:00 bad translation. It goes really well until 1 word. And we fall apart.
sumo breakdown
11:30 fire , "he lights my fire" , then there was no fire

sumo breakdown
13:40 Day 5 Midorifuji and the uchimusho, which is very fun to say and a lot easier
sumo breakdown
15:30 henkas Kiribayama didn't love it, no one loved it
sumo breakdown
18:35 Day 6 Okinoumi
sumo breakdown
26:20 Takayasu injury and all the injured men are out
Best Fight of the Day Midorifuji - Hoshoryu
29:30 What was so good about that day
30:40 Day 7 Azumaryu and The Underdogs
sumo breakdown
33:15 Tobizaru loses by dancing.... Dirty Dancing... Muppet Show music
sumo breakdown
34:45 Best Fight of the Day Takakeisho and Midorifuji
37:25 Day 8 Hokuseiho
sumo breakdown
40:00 Minor Inner Leg Sweep Kaka... kokaa... nevermind
sumo breakdown
43:50 Day 9 Azumaru Report
sumo breakdown
44:50 Nishikifuji vs. Ura MontyPythonesque slip and trip
Sadanoumi's pre-bout rituals
sumo breakdown
50:10 Day 10 Azumaryu Report
sumo breakdown
51:45 Kotoshoho won by sweaty knees
52:15 Wakamotoharu's sumo is pretty but my notes just say that his arms are sexy.
I'm am 100% signed up for that calendar.
sumo breakdown
55:15 Shodai's kimedashi on Midorifuji's forearms
58:15 The Leaderboard after Day 10


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