Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 197: Days 10 - 15 of the January Basho

Time Codes:
:46 Call us!
1:35 Thank you's
5:50 Bingo winner highlights
10:38 Sexiest Rikishi contest rules
14:30 Day 10
20:24 Day 11
25:35 What makes a yokozuna... winning
25:53 Day 12
30:04 Day 13
38:33 Day 14
45:22 Day 15

"Advanced Japanese Folk" by Audiotoolz
Under creative commons license:
News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Intro/Outtro music by MARiAN - Tokyo Trap_
Vaquero Perdido Mini Vandals from the Youtube Free Music Library