Sumo Kaboom

Leslie and Laurie, Texan sisters and diehard sumo fans, talk about all things sumo.

Episode 213: Days 4-9 of the May Basho

Time Codes:

1:48 Newsflash
4:40 Day 4 Wakamotoharu/Onosato
7:00 what is happening to Kirishima?
10:45 Day 5
13:21 second career in stage combat
18:48 Day 6 Roga & Churros bar brawl
20:40 Leslie CANNOT talk about it... Kirishima
21;30 Oho's new timing
22:22 Day 7
24:00 Wakatakakage is back and crushing juryo
25:00 Kinny-bo-bo
32:00 Day 8

"Advanced Japanese Folk" by Audiotoolz
Under creative commons license:
News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Intro/Outtro music by MARiAN - Tokyo Trap_
Vaquero Perdido Mini Vandals from the Youtube Free Music Library