Show Notes
Here's the research we do for each episode, music licenses, and time codes. It's for anyone who wants to see where we get our info or for anyone who wants to learn more about this wonderful sport.
230 articles since March 4th, 2020.
Episode 41: November Basho Days 3-9
November 17th, 2020
november basho, ozeki, takakeisho, takarafuji, terunofujiThe boys are back, and we've been enjoying the sumo! Who is in the lead? Who is looking surprisingly strong? Who got Enho'ed? Who went out injured?
Episode 40 - Sumodo review, November Basho days 1 and 2
November 10th, 2020
documentary, enho, geido, kaisei, nokazuna, ozeki, ryuden, sumo, sumodo, tournamentReview of Sumodo, the latest sumo documentary, and SUMO is BACK! November basho- days 1 and 2. Somehow we manage to discuss Ryuden's laugh, juryo treats, cheerleading moves and more.
Episode 39 - Sumo Snack and Chat
November 3rd, 2020
akua, bingo, blood type personality, sumo, sumo tournamentWe followed our interests this week in a relaxed conversation about Akua, injuries, what it's like at a sumo tournament, blood type personalities, bento boxes, and a lot of laughter. A LOT of laughter.
Episode 38 - The 3 T's. Takanosho, Takayasu, and Terunofuji
October 27th, 2020
Everything you ever wanted to know about Takanosho, Takayasu, and Terunofuji... or as we call them - Riceball, the Geyser, and the Come Back King.
Episode 37: Doreen Simmons and Katrina Watts
October 20th, 2020
commentator, doreen simmons, katrina watts, nhk, sumoTwo famous female sumo experts.
Episode 36: Mongolian Wrestling Makes Us Twitterpated
October 13th, 2020
consulates cup, mongolia, mongolian wrestling, sumo kaboom, texas, texas sumoMongolian Wrestling. The men, the history, the outfits.
Episode 35: International Sumo and the Consulate Cup
October 6th, 2020
amateur, austin, consulate cup, dark circle sumo, dark clan fight lab, international sumo, judo, texas, tournamentJust HOW does a person become a professional sumo wrestler? Especially, if you can't show up on the doorstep of a sumo stable in Japan, how do you train in sumo? You participate in international sumo! That's what we discuss today.
Episode 34: Aki Basho Days 10-15
September 29th, 2020
aki, september, shodai, sumo, takakeisho, tobizaruAn overview of how the September basho ended. Who won and how. Who is our new Draco Malfoy. Who deserves a valentine.
Episode 33: Aki Basho Day 3 - 9
September 22nd, 2020
aki, september basho, sumoIt's basho time, and this episode is all about the day 3 - 9 breakdown.
Episode 32: BINGO, Aki Basho, and Andy from the Tachiai Blog
September 15th, 2020
Learn who won the first round of BINGO and how we're expanding the game. Hear our non-technical breakdown of the sumo tournament, days 1 and 2, and meet Andy from the Tachiai blog, one of your best english online resources for sumo. Just what is the Tachiai blog, and who contributes to it?