Sumo Kaboom

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

242 episodes of Sumo Kaboom since the first episode, which aired on March 4th, 2020.

  • Who's Tochinoumi? Confused about Special Prizes?

    February 3rd, 2021  |  41 mins 54 secs
    comedy, fighting spirit, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, kaboom, nhk, outstanding performance, podcast, sansho, special prizes, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, technique, tochinoumi, tournament

    Yokozuna Tochinoumi - who was he? And, are you confused about Special Prizes? We are too.

  • January Basho, Days 11 - 15

    January 26th, 2021  |  50 mins 44 secs
    comedy, daieisho, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, kaboom, nhk, podcast, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    January basho days 11 - 15. The highlights. The best moves. The weird judging and great slo mo.

  • January Basho Days 4-10

    January 20th, 2021  |  52 mins 46 secs
    basho, comedy, daieisho, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, kaboom, nhk, ozeki, podcast, shodai, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, takakeisho, tournament

    We break down some of our favorite bouts from days 4 - 10.

  • January Basho Days 1-3, Dallas Sumo Club

    January 13th, 2021  |  47 mins 4 secs
    akiseyama, bo taoshi, comedy, daieisho, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, hokutofuji, improv comedy, january basho, japan, kaboom, nhk, ozeki, podcast, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    News, Dallas Sumo Club, and January Basho

  • Akiseyama, Midorifuji, and Ikioi

    January 6th, 2021  |  51 mins 9 secs
    akiseyama, comedy, coronavirus, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, ikioi, improv comedy, japan, midorifuji, nhk, nicholas cage, podcast, shaky weights, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    News that covers Bingo to Coronavirus. Discussion of the January banzuke and spotlights on Akiseyama, Midorifuji, and Ikioi.

  • Sumo's Best and Sexiest of 2020

    December 16th, 2020  |  46 mins 59 secs
    comedy, favorite, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, podcast, sexiest, sexy, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    We feature YOU today- your favorite moments in sumo and your choice for sexiest wrestler of 2020.

  • Sumo Holidays

    December 9th, 2020  |  36 mins 48 secs
    bintsuke, cake, christmas, comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, holidays, improv comedy, japan, kfc, nhk, podcast, santa, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    What do sumo wrestlers do over the holidays?

  • Takakeisho and All the Prizes

    December 2nd, 2020  |  43 mins 11 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, podcast, prizes, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, takakeisho, tournament, yokozuna

    Curious about what these guys win at a tournament? Does he keep that big trophy? This is your episode!

  • November Basho Days 10-15 and BINGO

    November 24th, 2020  |  53 mins 40 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, november, podcast, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, takakeisho, terunofuji, tournament

    Our break down of the absolute best sumo moments, BINGO winners, and our special blend of humor.

  • November Basho, days 3-9

    November 17th, 2020  |  39 mins 29 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, lose, movies, nhk, podcast, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament, win

    The boys are back, and we've been enjoying the sumo! Who is in the lead? Who is looking surprisingly strong? Who got Enho'ed? Who went out injured?

  • Sumodo Review and the November Basho days 1 and 2

    November 10th, 2020  |  41 mins 26 secs
    bingo, cheerleading, comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, nokazuna, november basho, podcast, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, sumodo, tournament

    Review of Sumodo, the latest sumo documentary, and SUMO is BACK! November basho- days 1 and 2. Somehow we manage to discuss Ryuden's laugh, juryo treats, BINGO, cheerleading moves and more.

  • Sumo Snack and Chat

    November 4th, 2020  |  46 mins 8 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, tournament

    A relaxed conversation about Akua, injuries, bingo, what it's like at a sumo tournament, blood type personalities, bento boxes, and a lot of laughter. A LOT of laughter.

  • The 3 T's - Takanosho, Takayasu, and Terunofuji

    October 28th, 2020  |  44 mins 15 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, november basho, sanyaku, sumo, sumo kaboom, sumo wrestling, takanosho, takayasu, terunofuji, tournament

    Everything you ever wanted to know about Takanosho, Takayasu, and Terunofuji... or as we call them - Riceball, the Geyser, and the Come Back King.

  • Doreen Simmons and Katrina Watts

    October 21st, 2020  |  32 mins 56 secs
    comedy, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, sumo, sumo wrestling, tournament

    Two famous sumo experts.

  • Mongolian Wrestling Makes Us Twitterpated

    October 14th, 2020  |  39 mins 42 secs
    bohk, bokh, mongolia, mongolian wrestling, nhk, sumo, sumo wrestling, texas, tournament

    Mongolian Wrestling. The men, the history, the outfits.

  • International Sumo, Mixed Martial Arts, and the Consulate Cup

    October 7th, 2020  |  38 mins 36 secs
    comedy, consulate cup, dark circle sumo, dark clan fight lab, grand sumo, grand sumo highlights, improv comedy, japan, nhk, sumo, sumo wrestling, texas, tournament

    International sumo - where some of our professional sumo wrestlers come from and a fantastic training ground!