Show Notes
Here's the research we do for each episode, music licenses, and time codes. It's for anyone who wants to see where we get our info or for anyone who wants to learn more about this wonderful sport.
230 articles since March 4th, 2020.
Episode 199: 2024 Sexiest Rikishi
February 13th, 2024
2024, rikishi, sexiest, valentinesJust a bit of news and then we get right to the MEAT of the episode, who YOU voted as the Sexiest Rikishi of the Year.
Episode 198: Kotonowaka, Kotozakura, and HonuSumo
February 6th, 2024
honusumo, kotonowaka, kotozakuraWe have a new ozeki, "fluffy" Kotonowaka, and he's been talking a LOT about his grandfather, Kotozakura. So who was he? Also, you US sumo enthusiasts, there are opportunities for you to get involved in sumo here in the US!
Episode 197: Days 10 - 15 of the January Basho
January 30th, 2024
basho, january, kiribayama, kotonowaka, terunofujiWe had another exciting basho with lots of drama - promotions, big losses, injuries, a play-off and pledges to do better. We love it, and we know you do, too.
Episode 196: Days 4 - 9 of the January 2024 Basho
January 23rd, 2024
days 4 - 9, injuriesInjuries. So. Many. Injuries. We don't like it. But we're always game for a good Midorifuji win. We discuss what happens when a judge loses his clothing and when a yokozuna gets mad.
Episode 195: Days 1-3 of the January basho
January 18th, 2024
basho, days 1-3, januaryWe're LOVING this new year of sumo and breaking down some highlights from the first three days.
Episode 194: M1-M17 Atamifuji, Onosato and Shimanuumi
January 8th, 2024
atamifuji, banzuke, onosato, shimazuumiIn this episode, we discuss M1 - M17 of the January 2024 basho. We discuss Atamifuji and his visit to a Japanese talk show, Onosato and why everyone is so impressed by him, and Shimazuumi and why people love him.
Episode 193: January Sanyaku and Ura
January 3rd, 2024
2023, banzuke, hatsu, sanyaku, uraWho is at the top of the banzuke for January, 2023, and why is seeing Ura's name on this list so darn exciting?
Episode 192: Sumo Fashion
December 5th, 2023
fashion, formal kimono, mawashi, yukataWe had a couple oof listener questions related to what sumo wear, so we're breaking it down as our last episode of the year. Enjoy!
Episode 190: Days 11-15 Kyushu 2023
November 28th, 2023
atamifuji, basho, kirishima, novemberWhat we loved about the November basho.
Episode 189: Days 4 - 10 Kyushu Basho
November 22nd, 2023
basho, kyushu, sumoOur favorite moments from the Kyushu basho, days 4-10.