Show Notes
Here's the research we do for each episode, music licenses, and time codes. It's for anyone who wants to see where we get our info or for anyone who wants to learn more about this wonderful sport.
230 articles since March 4th, 2020.
Episode 167: The Dead Body Rule
June 21st, 2023
dead body, dead body rule, rule, rules, sumoWhat is the "Dead Body" Rule in sumo??
Every once in a while, there's a real close sumo match. One person is declared a winner, and fans have feelings! WHO WON? WHAT THE...? WE'VE BEEN ROBBED! FAVORITISM!
When this happens, usually there is some talk about the "Dead Body" Rule, so what is this rule? Turns out, it's more of an exception.
Episode 166: The Sumo Belly Touching Event
June 14th, 2023
belly, belly rubbing, belly touching, karaoke, singing, sumoSumo The Belly Touching Event was held in Japan in June, 2023 and it was a huge hit with us!
Episode 165: New Chapters
June 7th, 2023
ikioi, kakuryu, kiribayama, mirishima, ozekiSumo wrestlers step into new chapters of their sumo lives. Kiribayama becomes an ozeki and a new name - Kirishima. Kakuryu retires, continues as a coach in the JSA, and seems a happy family man. Ikioi retires, also coaches, and looks thrilled to sing.
Episode 164: The May Basho Days 11-15
May 31st, 2023
2023, basho, kiribayama, ozeki, terunofujiWe might as well call this the yokozuna, sekiwake and Hokuseiho hour, because that's what we talk about. A LOT. What can we say? We loved it.
Episode 163: May Basho Days 4 - 10
May 23rd, 2023
2023, basho, may, sumo, tournamentThe boys are back, and we are breaking down our favorite moments from days 4-10.
Episode 161: Ichinojo Retires and Henka Stats
May 9th, 2023
benjamin marshman, henka, ichinojo, retirementAn episode about Ichinojo's surprise retirement and some things we learned about the henka. Who is doing the henka and how effective is it?
Episode 160: Sumo Kaboom Meets Gagamaru and the Latest Banzuke
May 2nd, 2023
dallas sumo club, gagamaru, kiribayama, terunofuji, texas, wakamotoharuLeslie met Gagamaru! And we discuss the latest banzuke!
Episode 159: Yorikiris and Oshidashis
April 25th, 2023
bruce henderson, kimarite, oshidashi, tachiai, yorikiri -
Episode 158: Kimarite Part 2: the Henka
April 19th, 2023
henkaAfter some news and poetry, we begin to discuss kimarite with Bruce Henderson of the Tachiai Blog. And, we focus on a move that isn't even a kimarite!? The henka. There's a lot of variety in the henka.
Episode 157: Unwinning Techniques
April 3rd, 2023
fumidashi, fusen, kimarite, kinjite, unwinning techniquesPart 1 of a deep dive into the techniques of sumo. We start with how to win without winning.