Show Notes
Here's the research we do for each episode, music licenses, and time codes. It's for anyone who wants to see where we get our info or for anyone who wants to learn more about this wonderful sport.
227 articles since March 4th, 2020.
Episode 97: January Basho Days 4-10
January 18th, 2022
2022, basho, januaryWho is looking surprisingly agile? Who is flexible and feisty? What sports would we like to see Ura do?
Episode 96: January Basho Days 1-3
January 11th, 2022
2021, basho, january, rikishi, sumoSequins! Sumo! Sweet Close Ups! The BOYS ARE BACK!
Episode 95: Wakamotoharu and Oho
January 4th, 2022
2022, hakuho, january, oho, sumo, taiho, takatoriki, wakamotoharuHappy 2022! We're back to discuss BINGO, the banzuke, and who is new to the top division. It's Oho and Wakamotoharu, and their tales are full of drama.
Epiosde 94: 2021 North American Sumo Championship
December 14th, 2021
america, american, california, hawaii, las vegas, sumo, texas, wrestler, wrestlingWe went to Las Vegas to watch the 2021 North American Sumo Nationals and got our first glimpse of the 2022 American World Sumo Team.
Episode 93: John Jacques and the History of American Sumo
December 8th, 2021
american sumo, john jacquesJohn Jacques tells us all about the history of sumo in America.
Episode 92: End of the November Basho and BINGO winners
November 30th, 2021
basho, bingo, kyushu, novemberWe're BACK with discussion of days 11-15 of the basho. Leslie went out with an injury last week, but we are back and ready for sumo.
Episode 91: Sumo is back! Day 1 - 3
November 16th, 2021
basho, december, kyushuDiscussing Days 1 - 3 of the December basho, 2021.
Episode 90: Kiribyama and Shohozan
November 9th, 2021
japan, kiribyama, mongolia, november, shohozan, sumoWant to know more about these 2 wrestlers? This is your episode.
Episode 89: November Banzuke
November 2nd, 2021
2021, banzuke, novemberThe banzuke - from the lone yokozuna at the top to the guy who needs a new mawashi at the bottom. Who is back and ready to rumble? Who is on his way out?
Episode 88: Colton Runyan
October 26th, 2021
colton runyanThis week, we're chatting with Colton Runyan, teacher, sumo wrestler and historian.