Show Notes
Here's the research we do for each episode, music licenses, and time codes. It's for anyone who wants to see where we get our info or for anyone who wants to learn more about this wonderful sport.
230 articles since March 4th, 2020.
Episode 111: Banzuke, Azumaryu and Midorifuji
May 3rd, 2022
azumaryu, banzuke, midorifujiThe banzuke, Azumaryu and Midorifuji.
Episode 110: Ask Us Anything
April 20th, 2022
ask us anything, bruce, kimarite, tachiaiAsk Us Anything !
Episode 109: Back to the Basics
April 12th, 2022
101, basics, sumoWe meet people all the time who ask "what is it about sumo? I don't get it." This is our answer. Uncomplicated. Without unfamiliar terms. Back to the basics explanation of history, sumo, and what we love about it.
Episode 108: Kinboshi and $$$
April 4th, 2022
earn, earning, kinboshi, moneyAn episode inspired by the kinboshi. But, we end up breaking down all the ways that pro sumo wrestlers get paid.
Episode 107: Haru Days 11-15
March 29th, 2022
basho, haru, takayasu, wakatakakageLeslie May Never Recover From This Basho
Episode 106: Haru Days 4-10
March 22nd, 2022
2022, basho, haru, kotonowaka, march, mitakeumi, takayasu, wakatakakageOur best-of breakdown of days 4-10 of the March 2022 basho.
Episode 104: March Haru Banzuke and Kotokuzan
March 9th, 2022
2022, banzuke, haru, kotozukan, marchOur breakdown of the Haru banzuke and a short spotlight on Jasper Kenneth/Kotozukan
Episode 103: Asashoryu and Hoshoryu
March 1st, 2022
asashoryu, hoshoryuDo you get these two mixed up? Here's a primer on who these two wrestlers are and how they are related.
Episode 102: The Sumo Elder Maze
February 22nd, 2022
elder, elders, stock, toriyoshiWe TRY to understand the maze of information that surrounds the world of sumo elders. I'm not sure we get very far.